Tourism - Belgium.be
Bruges - Picture Shutterstock. Whether you’re looking for a weekend break or a longer trip, Belgium has a lot to offer to tourists. If you enjoy walking, sports and the outdoors, the Ardennes, which are the green heart of Belgium, are your place to go.If you prefer the beach or enjoy cycling, you will not be able to resist the call of our seaside! ...
Vehicle Registration Service (DIV) | Belgium.be
The Vehicle Registration Service (DIV) is responsible for the registration of cars, motorbikes and trailers over 750 kg. It keeps a databank for numerous organisations such as the police, the Finance FOD, insurance companies and so on. When you register with the DIV, you receive a certificate of registration and a license plate. You will be penalised if you do not follow the …
Work permit - Belgium.be
Foreign workers who wish to work in Belgium as employees (i.e. working under an employment contract) must hold a work permit. This does not apply to nationals of the Member States of the European Economic Area (in French or Dutch) or Swiss nationals.. For more information on work permits, see the website of the Immigration Office (in French or Dutch).
Public Search van de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen en …
Met de toepassing "public search" kan u gegevens opzoeken over ondernemingen die hun activiteiten uitoefenen als: Onderneming natuurlijk persoon : Dit type ondernemingen omvat de ambachtsmannen, de handelaars, de personen onderworpen aan BTW en de werkgevers ingeschreven bij RSZ. Onderneming rechtspersoon : Dit type onderneming omvat de …
mypension - Belgium.be
Uw pensioendossier evolueert samen met u vanaf uw eerste stappen op de arbeidsmarkt tot aan uw pensioen. Wil u weten hoe het zit met uw pensioen? mypension.be helpt u daarbij!U kan er uw eigen pensioendossier op de voet volgen.
History - Belgium.be
Belgium as an independent country, is still quite young. Independence was declared in 1830. At this time, the various regions of Belgium already had a rich history. The different periods from this era have each contributed to the diversity, openness, character and strength of Belgium today.
Just-on-web - Belgium.be
Just-on-web est la plateforme qui centralise les services numériques de la Justice.. Ce portail vous offre la possibilité : De demander l’accès et de consulter votre dossier judiciaire ; De gérer vos amendes routières et pénales
Just-on-web - Belgium.be
toegang vragen tot uw juridisch dossier en het raadplegen uw verkeers- en strafrechtelijke boetes beheren de bewindvoering voor kwetsbare personen beheren uw verzoekschriften, dossiers, conclusies en brieven neerleggen bij een rechtbank zich …
Public Search de la Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises et Registre …
Avec l'application "public search", vous pouvez rechercher des données sur des entreprises exerçant leurs activités en tant que: Personne physique : il s'agit d'artisans, de commerçants, de personnes assujetties à la TVA ou soumises à l'ONSS en tant qu'employeur. Personne morale : sont reprises sous cet intitulé, les entreprises devant faire l’objet d’une inscription à la BCE et ...
The Regions - Belgium.be
Apart from the Federal State and the Communities, there are the Regions. There are three Regions. The names of the three regional institutions are borrowed from the name of the territory they represent. So we refer to (from north to south) the Flemish Region, the Brussels-Capital Region and the Walloon Region. The Regions have legislative and executive organs: these …
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