Technologiepark Adlershof - Der klügste Kiez Berlins – Science at …
Berlin Adlershof, Deutschlands modernster Technologiepark und einer von Berlins Zukunftsorten. Der Platz für Wissenschaft, Unternehmen & Gründer.
Berlin Adlershof. Science at Work.
Discover the myth of Adlershof: founded in 1754, birthplace of German aviation, and site for research, film and television. Today the area has around 20,000 inhabitants, most located in the heart of the "old village".The Technology Park is close to the former airfield, now a landscape park.. The Berlin Adlershof Science City is one of the most successful high-technology …
Chinese - International - Technology Park Berlin Adlershof
The development of the Science and Technology Park Berlin Adlershof was and is co-financed by the European Union namely by EFRE.This concerns infrastructure development like construction of technology centres.Furthermore EFRE is used for international projects.
Welcome - Technology Park Berlin Adlershof
Berlin Adlershof, that’s Germany’s largest and most successful science and technology park and Berlin's largest media location.It is home to over 1,300 companies and 18 scientific institutions with about 28,000 employees from more than 50 countries. Around 6,400 students study on the natural sciences campus of the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Willkommen - Technologiepark Adlershof
Am Zukunftsort Berlin Adlershof, Heimat des größten und erfolgreichsten Wissenschafts- und Technologieparks Deutschlands sowie Berlins größtem Medienstandort sind über 1.300 Unternehmen und 18 wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen mit rund 28.000 Beschäftigten aus mehr als 50 Ländern tätig.. Auf dem naturwissenschaftlichen Campus der Humboldt-Universität zu …
Overview - Universities / Colleges - Technology Park Berlin
Berlin Adlershof is not only the largest technology park in Germany, but is also characterized by a unique science and university landscape. At its heart is the campus of Humboldt University, which completed the relocation of its mathematics and natural sciences institutes to innovative new buildings in 2003. Two private universities also contribute to the academic profile of the …
Overview - Technology Centres - Technology Park Berlin
The technology group ‘Technologiekreis Adlershof e.V.’ is an advocacy group representing the technology-oriented businesses located at Adlershof. Alongside membership of the OpTec Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V., Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Network e.V., Berlin’s Research Association (Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.) and BioTOP groups, Adlershof has also joined …
Chinese - International - Technologiepark Adlershof
Die Entwicklung des Wissenschafts- und Technologieparks Berlin Adlershof wurde und wird co-finanziert durch die Europäische Union mit EFRE-Mitteln; insbesondere Infrastrukturmaßnahmen wie der Bau von Technologiezentren.EFRE-Mittel …
Berlin Adlershof: Facts and figures - Science City in numbers ...
Mar 25, 2024 · Berlin Adlershof is Germany’s largest and most successful science and technology park as well as Berlin’s largest media location – embedded in an overall urban development concept.
Mission 2030 - Technology Park Berlin Adlershof - Technology …
Discover the myth of Adlershof: founded in 1754, birthplace of German aviation, and site for research, film and television. Today the area has around 20,000 inhabitants, most located in the heart of the "old village".The Technology Park is close to the former airfield, now a landscape park.. The Berlin Adlershof Science City is one of the most successful high-technology …