Graduate Program | Psychology | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
The primary goal of graduate training in the Department of Psychology is to prepare students for academic or other scientific careers in research and teaching. Students develop expertise in one of several areas of specialization: Behavioral Neuroscience; Clinical …
Degree | Psychology | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
Besides completing Common Core requirements, to earn a degree in the College of Liberal Arts, students must take general education courses (language arts, behavioral and social sciences, natural sciences, and general culture) as listed on the degree plans (see list at the bottom).. Effective with the 2022-2024 undergraduate catalog, the composition of the 28 hour PSY …
Ph.D. Program | Economics | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
Important Dates 2023. July 31-August 17 - Graduate Math Prep Class begins; all admitted students are welcome to attend.; August 18- Economics Department Orientation; August 21- Fall term begins; November 20-25-Thanksgiving break; December 4-Last Class Day (fall); 2024. January 9 — Spring term begins; April 24-Last Class Day (spring); May 6 — Commencement; …
Academic Advising | Economics | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
Fall Break Hours. The Economics Advising Office is operating remotely from Monday, November 25 through Wednesday, November 27. We will be closed on Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29.We will reopen on Monday, December 2nd. If you have questions, please email ecoadvisors@austin.utexas.edu and be sure to include your EID. Virtual drop-ins will resume …
NROTC Program | Naval Science | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
The mission of the NROTC program is to develop midshipmen mentally, morally, and physically and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor, and loyalty in order to commission college graduates as naval officers who possess a basic professional background, are motivated toward careers in the naval service, and have a potential for future development in mind and …
Clinical Psychology | Psychology | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
The Clinical Psychology Training Program at The University of Texas at Austin is broadly based on a clinical science training model. The primary objective of our training program is to prepare students for research and teaching careers, and the secondary objective is to train students for the professional practice of clinical psychology.
Undergraduate Program | Psychology | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
The Psychology Department at The University of Texas at Austin is devoted to expanding the horizons of our discipline and to educate our students and the public about behavior, thought processes, and emotion. Our department combines outstanding faculty, staff, graduate, and undergraduate students to ...
Ph.D Program | Psychology | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
First Year: First year students must take at least nine hours of course work per semester. During the first year, at least one course must be a departmental core course, at least one must be a statistics course, and at least two must be other substantive courses (which can include other core or statistics courses) that have formal evaluation requirements such as a final exam.
Plan II Honors Program | Liberal Arts - UT - Austin
The Honors Living Community, comprised of four halls in the “Quad” (Andrews, Blanton, Carothers and Littlefield), houses approximately 500 students, most of whom are in one of the university’s undergraduate honors programs.If you think that you might be interested in living in honors housing, apply for housing as soon as your entire application has been submitted as …
What is ROTC? | Military Science | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin
The Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) was born when President Woodrow Wilson signed the National Defense Act of 1916. Since its inception, Army ROTC has provided leadership and military training at schools and universities across the country and has commissioned more than a half million Officers.