linux - How does "cat << EOF" work in bash? - Stack Overflow
The cat <<EOF syntax is very useful when working with multi-line text in Bash, eg. when assigning multi-line string to a shell variable, file or a pipe. Examples of cat <<EOF syntax usage in Bash: 1. Assign multi-line string to a shell variable $ sql=$(cat <<EOF SELECT foo, bar FROM db WHERE foo='baz' EOF )
How can I pretty-print JSON in a shell script? - Stack Overflow
Dec 9, 2008 · Latest use-case: Chrome, Dev console, Network tab, export all as HAR file, "cat site.har | underscore select '.url' --outfmt text | grep mydomain"; now I have a chronologically ordered list of all URL fetches made during the loading of my company's site. Pretty printing is easy: underscore -i data.json print Same thing:
cat not recognised as an internal or external command
Oct 25, 2015 · # Convert the key from pkcs12 to pkcs1 (PEM). $ cat /path/to/xxxx-privatekey.p12 | openssl pkcs12 -nodes -nocerts -passin pass:notasecret | openssl rsa > /path/to/secret.pem on the command line but I get 'cat' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. How do I resolve this?
linux - How can I copy the output of a command directly into my ...
Feb 27, 2011 · cat file | xclip. Paste the text you just copied into a X application: xclip -o. To paste somewhere else other than an X application, such as a text area of a web page in a browser window, use: cat file | xclip -selection clipboard Consider creating an …
How does an SSL certificate chain bundle work? - Stack Overflow
Unix: cat cert2.pem cert1.pem root.pem > cert2-chain.pem Windows: copy /A cert1.pem+cert1.pem+root.pem cert2-chain.pem /A 2.2 Run this command. openssl verify -CAfile cert2-chain.pem cert3.pem 2.3 If this is OK, proceed to the next one (cert4.pem in this case) Thus for the first round through the commands would be
git - How do I access my SSH public key? - Stack Overflow
Sep 30, 2010 · On terminal cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. explanation. cat is a standard Unix utility that reads files and prints output ~ Is your Home User path /.ssh - your hidden directory contains all your ssh certificates
Is there replacement for cat on Windows - Stack Overflow
Sep 13, 2008 · Usage: cat file1 file2 file3 file4 -o output.txt -o | Specifies the next arg is the output, we must use this rather than ">>" to preserve the line endings I call it sharp-cat as its built with C#, feel free to scan with an antivirus and source code will be made available at request
linux - Retrieve last 100 lines logs - Stack Overflow
Aug 6, 2018 · You can simply use the following command:-tail -NUMBER_OF_LINES FILE_NAME. e.g tail -100 test.log. will fetch the last 100 lines from test.log
Looping through the content of a file in Bash - Stack Overflow
Oct 6, 2009 · $ cat /tmp/test.txt Line 1 Line 2 has leading space Line 3 followed by blank line Line 5 (follows a blank line) and has trailing space Line 6 has no ending CR There are four elements that will alter the meaning of the file output read by many Bash solutions:
bash - How can I split a large text file into smaller files with an ...
cat x* > <file> Split a file, each split having 10 lines (except the last split): split -l 10 filename. Split a file into 5 files. File is split such that each split has same size (except the last split): split -n 5 filename. Split a file with 512 bytes in each split (except the last split; use 512k for kilobytes and 512m for megabytes):