Spruce Diseases | The Morton Arboretum
For all trees showing symptoms, remove (when feasible) dead branches, fallen needles, and cones under the tree to prevent further infections. Prune surrounding plants to promote better air circulation and keep plants well watered, especially in periods of drought, to alleviate stress.
Spruce Diseases - Penn State Extension
Nov 21, 2023 · Informational table showing disease name, symptoms, pathogen/cause, and management of Spruce diseases. Sunken dead areas of bark and underlying wood form on the lower branches of the trees girdling small branches in 1 or 2 years and large branches after several years. Resin flows out of the cankers and may drip down on lower branches.
Colorado blue spruce especially susceptible. Buds dead, needles dead or missing. Infection can occur anywhere on the tree. Pitchy sap found on branches at cankers (dead zones of bark on branches or trunks). Golden spore tendrils may be on dead twigs or cankers.
Both of these fungal diseases cause purpling, then death and dropping of second year and older spruce needles. Infection, which begins in spring, usually appears first scattered among the lower branches and may cause severe loss of needles. Fungal spores are spread by splashing water.
Rhizosphaera needle cast - UMN Extension
Rhizosphaera needle cast is a fungal disease of spruce trees that causes needles to turn brown and fall off. Trees stressed from drought, poor planting practices or other factors are more likely to suffer from Rhizosphaera needle cast.
Blue Spruce Diseases - Penn State Extension
Jul 5, 2023 · Find out what environmental conditions and diseases may be affecting your blue spruce and when replacing it is the best option. Blue spruce needle cast. Photo credit: Penn State Master Gardener Program.
What is spruce decline and what should you do about it?
Jun 28, 2019 · There are three principle types of diseases that affect blue spruce trees: needlecasts, tip blights and canker diseases. All of these diseases are caused by fungal pathogens and each produce specific symptoms that can be useful in diagnosing the problem. 1. Needlecasts. As the name implies, trees with needlecast diseases shed needles.
Common indications of plant disease include lower canopy needle loss, scatered branch dieback, rapid top-down browning, and tree death. These symptoms can result from needle cast, canker, or root rot diseases.
Spruce Insects & Diseases - TreeHelp
Browning of needles on the interior of a tree in summer can be a symptom of spruce spider mites. The insects are very small and so a magnifying glass or microscope will be needed to see the mites. This is an important defoliator of spruce, Douglas-fir, true fir and other conifers.
When exposed to unfavorable conditions or needle (white planted in an inadequate site, they become stressed stomata— and more susceptible to pests and diseases. Norway natural plant openings) and Colorado Spruce, though considered adapt- Joseph O’Brien, able, are the most problematic of the spruces in the USDA Forest Service, Midwest. Bugwood.org.