Oleanna (play) - Wikipedia
Oleanna is a 1992 two-character play by David Mamet, about the power struggle between a university professor and one of his female students, who accuses him of sexual harassment and, by doing so, spoils his chances of being accorded tenure.
Amazon.com: Oleanna: A Play: 9780679745365: Mamet, David: Books
May 4, 1993 · In David Mamet's latest play, a male college instructor and his female student sit down to discuss her grades and in a terrifyingly short time become the participants in a modern reprise of the Inquisition. Innocuous remarks suddenly turn damning. Socratic dialogue gives way to heated assault.
- 4.4/5(208)
Oleanna by David Mamet - Goodreads
In David Mamet’s two-character play, a male college instructor and his female student sit down to discuss her grades and in a terrifyingly short time become the participants in a modern reprise of the Inquisition. Innocuous remarks suddenly turn damning. Socratic dialogue gives way to …
Oleanna : David Mamet : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
Feb 3, 2014 · Oleanna by David Mamet. Publication date 1993 Publisher Vintage Books Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 189.8M ... 1st vintage books ed. External-identifier urn:asin:067974536X urn:oclc:record:795914481 urn:lcp:oleanna00mame_0:lcpdf:acef6df6-21ac-4812-b5fb-12323b7b48fd ...
Oleanna: A Play Kindle Edition - amazon.com
Mar 28, 2012 · In a terrifyingly short time, a male college instructor and his female student descend from a discussion of her grades into a modern reprise of the Inquisition. Innocuous remarks suddenly turn damning. Socratic dialogue gives way to heated assault.
- 4.4/5(208)
Oleanna by David Mamet Plot Summary - LitCharts
Get all the key plot points of David Mamet's Oleanna on one page. From the creators of SparkNotes.
Oleanna Study Guide | Literature Guide - LitCharts
The best study guide to Oleanna on the planet, from the creators of SparkNotes. Get the summaries, analysis, and quotes you need.
Amazon.com: Oleanna: 9780413773760: David Mamet: Books
Jan 1, 2004 · Mamet's ground-breaking and controversial play on the male-female power struggle, annotated with an introduction, notes and commentary. "An ear for reproducing everyday language has long been David Mamet's hallmark and he has now employed it to skewer the dogmatic, puritannical streak which has become commonplace on and off the campus.
- 4.3/5(79)
Oleanna by David Mamet: 9780679745365 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books
In a terrifyingly short time, a male college instructor and his female student descend from a discussion of her grades into a modern reprise of the Inquisition. Innocuous remarks suddenly turn damning. Socratic dialogue gives way to heated assault.
Oleanna: A Play - David Mamet - Google Books
In a terrifyingly short time, a male college instructor and his female student descend from a discussion of her grades into a modern reprise of the...