LaserDisc - Wikipedia
The LaserDisc (LD) is a home video format and the first commercial optical disc storage medium, initially licensed, sold and marketed as MCA DiscoVision (also known simply as "DiscoVision") …
LaserDisc player - Wikipedia
A LaserDisc player is a device designed to play video and audio (analog or digital) stored on LaserDisc. LaserDisc was the first optical disc format marketed to consumers; it was …
Laserdisc - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Laserdisc is much larger than a DVD. To play Laserdisc movies, a LaserDisc player is needed. LaserDisc was also known by the names DiscoVision and LaserVision. Laserdisc was first …
LaserActive - Wikipedia
The LaserActive (レーザーアクティブ, RēzāAkutibu) is a converged device and fourth-generation home video game console capable of playing LaserDiscs, Compact Discs, console games, …
DiscoVision - Wikipedia
DiscoVision is the name of several things related to the video LaserDisc format. It was the original name of the "Reflective Optical Videodisc System" format later known as "LaserVision" or …
LaserDisc – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Laserdisc (LD) é um disco óptico diâmetro de 30 centímetros desenvolvida por David Paul Gregg em 1958 para vídeo doméstico; a primeira forma de armazenamento de disco óptico …
Laserdisc – Wikipedia
LaserDisc -kuvalevy (LaserVision) on Philipsin ja Pioneerin kehittämä optinen kuvantallennusformaatti. LaserDisc-kuvalevyissä käytettiin vastaavaa lasersäteellä optisesti …
Laserdisc – Wikipedia
Laserdisc (laserskiva), även skrivet laser disc eller LD, [1] var det första kommersiella optiska lagringsmediet för film, men också använt för TV-spel. Skivorna var oftast i storleken 12 tum, …
Laserdisc - Wikipedia
Comparazzion in tra un Laserdisc e 'n DVD. El Laserdisc a l'è stad un formad de registristrazzion per l'home video vendud del 1978 ai prim agn 2000, prim esempi de disch otegh a vesser …
LaserDisc — Википедия
LaserDisc (LD) — первый коммерческий оптический носитель данных, с аналоговой записью изображения и звука (звук — впоследствии цифровой).