Kiang - Wikipedia
The kiang (Equus kiang) is the largest of the Asinus subgenus. It is native to the Tibetan Plateau in Ladakh India, northern Pakistan, Tajikistan, China and northern Nepal. It inhabits montane grasslands and shrublands. Other common names for this species include Tibetan wild ass, khyang and gorkhar.
Kiang - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The kiang (Equus kiang) is a large graceful wild ass native to the Tibetan Plateau. It is closely related to the onager and has never been domesticated.
台湾话「ㄎㄧㄤ」(kiāng)是什么意思? - 知乎
“ㄎㄧㄤ”是台湾的注音发音,如果以拼音发音写出来,应该读作:kiāng,这个发音没有对应的汉字 “ㄎㄧㄤ”的意思是:喝醉失态的样子,头脑一片混沌的样子,一个人平常过于活泼而略显疯疯癫癫的样子,朋友耍宝或者扮小丑搞笑的样子等… 这个字最一开始仅仅用来形容喝醉的人胡言乱语,摇 …
Kiang | Wild, Tibetan, Endangered | Britannica
Kiang, (Equus kiang), species of Asian wild ass found in the cold, arid highlands of Nepal, India, and Pakistan and in Qinghai and Gansu provinces and the western Tibet Autonomous Region in China at elevations above 4,000 metres (13,000 feet). The kiang’s coat is …
Kiang Animal Facts - Equus kiang - A-Z Animals
May 27, 2024 · The specific epithet, kiang, is a Tibetan word which refers to wild asses. The word kiang is sometimes spelled kyang. There are three recognized subspecies: the western kiang, …
Kiang - Equus Kiang - Animal Information
The Kiang, also known as the Tibetan wild ass, is a large mammal that inhabits the high-altitude regions of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas. These animals have adapted to survive in harsh and extreme environments, displaying unique lifestyle characteristics.
"ㄎㄧㄤ"是什么意思? -关于中文 (繁体,台湾)(中文) | HiNative
「kiang」形容敲響金屬的聲音。 在形容人像是敲到頭,暈了、神智不清、喝醉太茫、嗑藥神智不清的狀態,以及無厘頭、憨憨傻傻、天兵的個性或行為。
请教我一个使用 「ㄎㄧㄤ」是什麼意思? - HiNative
常形容自己很失控的一種狀態(自嘲)。 例如: 1.我昨天喝太多酒,整個人都ㄎㄧㄤ掉了! 2.我平常很聰明,沒想到今天這麼ㄎㄧㄤ! |@chamecok "ㄎㄧㄤ" 是流行用語, 故意不寫漢字。 |kiang.....它其實是"台語 (台灣語)"
台语你很kiang是什么意思 - 百度知道
“你很kiang”,广东汕尾海丰地区河洛语会听成:你很厉害,很伶俐,很烈;可能对应的字:很巧。 ”巧”作为日常口语音读:kiang,第三声。
kiang是什么意思 - 新词百科 - xincibaike.cn
kiang潮汕话中意思是稳住,我们能赢。 出自某款当红手游的提示音,后来也用于相互鼓励或调侃。 kiang翻译过来其实就是“你好棒”的意思,这个梗出现在很多的 台湾 剧里面,正是因为发音比较 搞笑,然后就成了 网络 新词汇。