James Potter/Severus Snape - Works | Archive of Our Own
James Potter nunca entendeu completamente o porquê de Snape sempre conseguir chamar sua atenção, ele nunca entendeu o porquê de sempre deixar seus feromônios cercarem o outro. Ele também nunca se importou com a quantidade de vezes que Remus disse que aquilo não era saudável, que ele parecia mais obcecado pelo Sonserino do que realmente ...
James Potter/Severus Snape - Works | Archive of Our Own
He stood, unseen, in a shadowy corner of the Hogwarts corridor, watching two figures he knew all too well—James Potter and Severus Snape. But something was different. The way they looked at each other sent a shiver through him. Snape’s usual sneer was gone, replaced by something fragile, raw. And James, instead of his confident swagger ...
James Potter & Severus Snape Friendship - Works - Archive of Our Own
Feb 2, 2025 · A spell gone wrong on the Hogwarts Express results in James Potter and Severus Snape being catapulted into the Forbidden Forest, miles from Hogwarts. The two school enemies must work together to get safely back to the castle--and what they discover in the Forbidden Forest may change everything. Language: English Words: 29,929
IN ANOTHER LIFE (James Potter x Severus Snape) - Wattpad
Aug 20, 2023 · During that time, Severus spends some time at the Potter's against his wish, worrying about what might happen with James and Lily during the break. or James and Severus change bodies and end up finding out that life is not always what it seems. →Story →16,146 Words →Completed →I love these bitches so I just had to do this
James Potter X Severus Snape Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic
Jun 19, 2013 · James laughed and moved aside. Severus grabbed the handle and opened the door before he could lose his resolve. "So you can be like that too when you want to," said James as Severus walked out the door. Severus froze for a second then ran off. As he was leaving he realized James would be all alone too. He glanced back. 'Hmph hypocrite' he thought.
what could've been, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction
James is very excited to find out who his mate is. but when it turns out to be Severus snape, he is extremely disappointed and then lily makes an offer he can't refuse. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Friendship - [James P., Severus S.] Lily Evans P. - Words: 3,028 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 19 - Published: 8/16/2021 - Status ...
Jamespotterxseverussnape Stories - Wattpad
HP xà viện lí đích James --- Thoại... by yhjjlove 689 8 1 Văn án: bởi vì thượng thần đích một cái nho nhỏ đích sai lầm, tạo thành HP thế giới đích một trăm tám mươi độ đại chuyển biến James Potter, nguyên bản Severus Snape...
Falling for the Enemy (James Potter x Severus Snape) - Wattpad
They passed by Lily and Severus as they went to find a compartment and James smiled at them. It would seem like he was just smiling at Lily but his smile was more meant for Severus. They sat down in an empty compartment and started talking about how they were excited for 5th year.
James Potter & Severus Snape - Works | Archive of Our Own
Después del suceso en la casa de los gritos, en cuál Severus es casi asesinado Por Remus Lupin transformado en lobo, cuando James Potter lo salva, Severus Snape entra en un estado de catatonia por completo, nada ni nadie puede hacerlo reaccionar, James Potter al sentirse culpable lo visita constantemente en el hospital, termina volviéndose ...
James potter x severus snape on Tumblr
#harry potter #jeverus #princechaser #james potter x severus snape #now to be fair i ADORE the first one in any slash fic. its such good jealous angst and hurt/no comfort #But the second one. fast paced romance where Snapes excuses for dating James becomes “Its not like i have feelings for him #he's just attached to me like an anglerfish # ...
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