Product Review - The ICOM IC-7000 - QRZ Forums
Dec 7, 2005 · first glance but in many ways it may be more like the IC-756 PRO series radios, or perhaps a bit of both. There's no denying on any account that it's a dynamite package with big league operating features. In this review I'll take a practical look at the radio from an experienced user's point of view. Since I don't have a spectrum analyzer or the
Product Review - The ICOM IC-7000 | Page 5 | QRZ Forums
Dec 7, 2005 · the baby pro's band scope to spot weak signals. I have become completely spoiled rotten by the 756 Pro II's lovely band scope. The viewing area of baby pro's band scope is just too darn small for practical weak signal band spotting. There is a menu option in the 7K to run single sweeps at the press of a button.
Product Review - The ICOM IC-7000 | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
Dec 7, 2005 · Good review, Fred. Thanks! hi fred, i also tryed out the new ic-7000 for 1-day to compair against my pro-111, there realy isnt much to compair the pro-111 much easer to operate menu freindly, receiveing weak signals the pro is a little better i think, bare in mind no spec anilizer just ears and eys, i use a ft-897 in mobile with sgc tuner easy radio works uper, not buying a …
Heil Ham Radio Microphone Review & Testing | QRZ Forums
May 28, 2017 · I took my Shure into the studio and switched between the two...PRO 40 is a better investment in your ham station for great audio. You will not need any outboard equalizers/compressors/etc when you use the PRO 40. I consistently get outstanding audio reports using my ICOM 756 PRO II.
ICOM 7300 and HM-219 Stock Mic: Over-the-air DX test
Feb 8, 2017 · My 7300 is used primarily for digital modes. The few times that I worked SSB phone the reports were good so this report is not surprising. My only disappointment with the 7300 is the lack of a second RF out. Overall Icom did a great job and I'm very happy with the 7300. The primary rig for SSB phone in my shack is a 756 pro III with a Heil ...
Switcher vs Linear Power Supplies - K6UDA Radio Episode 35
Nov 26, 2016 · I have been using an Astron Linear Supply for over 30 years and never one problem. Never a problem with the Astron. I once bought an Icom 756 Pro and it came with a matching switching power supply. The Icom switcher was noisy and the fan was loud. I sold it.
D*STAR on 10 meters and 6 meters-- Yes you can - QRZ Forums
Dec 6, 2012 · I am a big fan of ICOM as anyone who looks me up on QRZ.com can see from the pic but there is NOT a DSTAR repeater locally & the COST of the DSTAR gear is out of my range.The ICOM 9100 would have been a REAL possibility if it had the display of the 756 PROII,PROIII,7600,7700 or 7800 I would give it SERIOUS consideration for my next HF/VHF …
Tribute to John E. Johnson, KC8UQE | QRZ Forums
Jul 21, 2008 · JJ had a big station! But what made it big was not an amplifier (even though we jokingly accused him of having one hid in the attic); it was not his ICOM 756 PRO and wire antenna cut for 3878 kHz; it was his character and upright conduct, for which he will receive a great reward in Heaven.
Free and open source remote operation of many Icom radios with …
May 9, 2021 · Excellent work, kudos to the developers. I eagerly wait to see this project's ongoing progress. I use RS BA1 on a Surface Pro, and its a delight to use the touch controls, something I hope to see with wfview. I love that this is cross-platform. Looks to heavily use CAT protocol, I see many other rigs other than Icom being supported one day ...
Icom 7300/7610 Digital Mode ALC Zone | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
Apr 30, 2018 · I've been doing the digital modes starting with PSK 31 in 2003 using an Icom IC-718, IC-746 Pro, IC-751A, IC-756 Pro 2 and 3, IC-7410 and IC-7600. I go to the USB (D) data mode, turn the RF power all the way up t0 100% and use my Signalink USB to control output power. I go for just a twitch of ALC which works out to be approximately 30 watts ...