The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit - Pensacola, FL
Explore and find ways to worship our mercificul and almighty God, to increase your faith, to offer service to your neighbor, and to find a church home, one that feeds you and your family's souls. Join us in the early pilgrimage as we are headed to our final homeland, eternal peace and joy in the kingdom of God.
About Our Church - The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit
Our mission is simple—filled with the certainty that Jesus Christ is the source of salvation for all the world, we spread that faith here in Perdido Key by growing in our love for God and sharing that love with our neighbor.
Visitors - The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit - Pensacola, FL
You may also register in person at the parish office Monday through Friday from 9am until 5pm or ask one of our Greeters at the weekend Mass for a Registration Form. TOP TEN REASONS TO CHOOSE THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 10. We are a family-friendly parish.
Bulletin - The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit
10650 Gulf Beach Highway | Pensacola, Florida 32507 | (850) 492-0837
Contact Us - The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit - Pensacola, FL
The staff at the Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit is happy to help you with any questions or directions you might have. Each staff member is in full compliance with the directives and guidelines issued by our bishop to help ensure that your expectations of the highest quality of services are met.
Mission & History - The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit
On April 16, 1967, the Mission became a reality and Bishop Joseph G. Vath presided at the blessing and dedication of the new facility which was known as the Church of the Holy Spirit. The cost of the church and attached meeting rooms was …
Register at Our Parish - The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit ...
What does registration in the parish mean for me? 1. It means that you are considered a full member of the community and will receive the full support of the parish staff. The staff will be happy to help you with any questions or directions you might have.
Ministries - The Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit - Pensacola, FL
For a list of all parish ministries and contact information, please visit our online GuideBook page. Ministry Guide and Parish Information 10650 Gulf Beach Highway | Pensacola, Florida 32507 | (850) 492-0837
Calendar Page Selection All Events - The Catholic Church of the …
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Events - holyspiritperdido.com
Catholic Church of Holy Spirit. Located in Pensacola / Perdido Florida.