Home - Harrison County, Iowa
Harrison County, Iowa is composed of 10 incorporated towns: Dunlap, Little Sioux, Logan, Magnolia, Missouri Valley, Modale, Mondamin, Persia, Pisgah and woodbine
Treasurer - Harrison County, Iowa
The Harrison County Treasurer’s Office will be closed for lunch . EVERYDAY. 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm. Thank you.
General History - Harrison County, Iowa
The following text is taken from History of Harrison County, Iowa, written by the people of Harrison County Iowa and published in 1891 by the National Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois.
Citizen alert system - Harrison County, Iowa
Alert Iowa is a statewide emergency notification system the county uses to send alerts to residents. Improvements to the system will enable Harrison County officials to better communicate emergency information directly to citizens via voice call, text message, email, and social media.
Harrison County Iowa - County Directory
Harrison County Historical Village & Iowa Welcome Center. 2931 Monroe Ave. Missouri Valley, IA 51555. Map. Phone: (712) 642-2114. Email: welcome@harrisoncounty.iowa.gov
Recorder - Harrison County, Iowa
The Office of the County Recorder was created by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa in 1839. The County Recorder continues to maintain official records of documents affecting real estate in order to protect innocent third parties in real estate transactions.
Assessor - Harrison County, Iowa
Harrison County Courthouse. 111 N 2nd Avenue. Logan, Iowa 51546 . Phone (712) 644-3101 Hours. 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Monday through Friday . Saturday & Sunday. Closed (Hours may …
Search - Harrison County, Iowa
However, Harrison County, Iowa does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the content on this site or content which is referenced by or linked to this site. Redistribution of data from this site for commercial purposes is prohibited.
Community Events - Harrison County, Iowa
is to help disseminate information about events happening in Harrison County communities. This is made possible via a collaboration of Harrison County GIS and Harrison County Development Corporation with local community leaders.
maps - Harrison County, Iowa
County Courthouse. 111 North 2nd Avenue. Logan, Iowa 51546 . Law Enforcement Center. 111 South 1st Avenue. Logan, Iowa 51546 . Terms of use