Map - Firefly Atlas
This map shows firefly occurrence records across North America from three sources: observations submitted by Firefly Atlas participants; the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF); and other museum specimen and observation records compiled by the Xerces Society. Zoom into the map to explore individual observations and specimen records.
Home - Firefly Atlas
Do you live near one of the focal regions outlined on the map to the left? Click on each region to learn which firefly species we are searching for. You can also survey for fireflies and share your findings from other parts of the United States and Canada. …
FIREFLY HABITAT - Firefly Conservation & Research
Fireflies live in wet, moist areas often near rivers, creeks and riparian areas. Visit this page to learn more about firefly habitat.
Firefly Atlas - SciStarter
Mar 13, 2024 · The Firefly Atlas is a collaborative effort to better understand and conserve the diversity of fireflies in North America. Launched in 2022, the project aims to advance our collective understanding of firefly species’ distributions, phenology, and habitat associations, as well as to identify threats to their populations.
How far east does the firefly go? - Tim Fallon, PhD
Jul 13, 2018 · Detailed geographic distribution map for the Big Dipper Firefly (Photinus pyralis). Photinus pyralis sightings (red circles show county centroided reports) in the United States and Ontario, Canada (diagonal hashes). The World Wildlife Fund Terrestrial Ecoregions are also shown (colored shapes).
Record A Firefly Sighting! Map of Firefly Sightings Worldwide | Firefly…
Use Google Maps to get Longitude and Latitude coordinates or use the iNaturalist app to pinpoint the location of your sighting. Can you describe the habitat in detail? Was it near any water sources? What time of night? Be sure to record the time and time zone (9:15pm EST for example). This information is very helpful.
New Firefly Atlas Will Put Beloved Beetles on the Map - Xerces …
The Firefly Atlas aims to advance our collective understanding of North American firefly species distributions, activity periods, habitat associations, and threats.
Introducing the Firefly Atlas!
Sep 2, 2022 · Have a treasure trove of firefly photos with date and location information? Create a Firefly Atlas account and upload incidental observations. And if you live in Florida, focal firefly species may still be active in your area! A male Florida scrub dark firefly (Lucidota luteicollis). Photo: Richard Joyce/Xerces Society.
Firefly Watch: View & Explore Data - Mass Audubon
View firefly observation and density maps for previous years of the project. "Visualization of firefly reports" created by Matthew Smith and Mapbox volunteers Lo Benichou and Sam Fader. The Museum of Science in Boston spearheaded the Firefly Watch project for …
Firefly Map - stanleydai.github.io
There are thousands of species of fireflies. Some have adapted to southern climates. Others flash a brilliant blue color. Walking along Riverside Park on a muggy summer night, you can see hundreds of these sparks fly through the air. Children give chase while adults admire from afar.