Restoration Project (1973 33' Egg Harbor)(pics) - The Hull Truth
Nov 23, 2010 · I just hauled out to begin restoration of a 1973 33' Egg Harbor I acquired a couple months ago. The list of action items begins below: Bottom Work - The bottom of this boat is nasty. These pics are after the yard did a crappy blast job and it still needs a lot of work.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Restoration Project …
I just hauled out to begin restoration of a 1973 33' Egg Harbor I acquired a couple months ago. The list of action items begins below: Bottom Work - The bottom of this boat is nasty. These pics are after the yard did a crappy blast job and it still needs a lot of work.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Restoration Project …
Mar 4, 2011 · First thing I noticed on the fancy restored Egg was port nav light below the rub rail. That is not a good spot. Should be up on the house side or low fly bridge. I moved mine up from below the rubrail (37 egg harbor) and very glad to have done so.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - 1976 33' Egg Harbor …
Aug 17, 2017 · For perspective, we (my dad's marine engine shop) used to repower those 33 Eggs going from 318s to 454s (+100 hp), increase the gear reduction to 2.10 or 2.57, and add 2-3 inches of pitch to 17-18 diameter props.
Boating and Fishing Forum - Egg Harbor 33 review - The Hull Truth
Feb 20, 2014 · 1975 egg harbor 33' nice shape runs great need some painting and varnishing to sharpin her up twin 318s Chrysler crusaders excellent running condition. I bought with good intention of going out for weekends but wife is not into it won't sleep on boat. So I'm going to down size. mb75n-4306612738@sale.craigslist.org
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Restoration Project …
The past week I've been working on getting a cover over the boat that will allow me to work easier. The blue tarp was a hastle to wrestle on and off each time I wanted to work on the boat, so I put up a PVC hoop covering over the boat.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Restoration Project …
That boat would be fantastic if done right. I don't think the Egg Harbors are pieces of shit. I remember an article I read from a late 70's Boating magazine. A 36 ft Trojan tricabin "t boned" a 33 egg in fog. The Trojan hull caved in and the boat sunk. The Egg had superficial damage and continued on after picking up the Trojan's crew.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - 1973 Egg Harbor 30 ...
Egg harbor and leaking windows. The cabins are wood so those need to be fixed immediately otherwise you’ll be into major repairs. My parents had their windows fixed last off season. Remove windows. Rebuild the glass and reinstall windows. Was a huge job. Basically edd harbor cut the opening too big and the window never sat right.
1986 33 Egg Harbor Diesels 30,000 - The Hull Truth
1986 33 Egg Harbor Diesels 30,000. 1986 Egg Harbor Flybridge / Sport Fish Price Drop 30k Twin 6BTA 315HP ...
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Egg Harbor 33 review
Back in the day I had owned a couple of Egg's. In 1975 the hull was glass but the house was glass over wood. I do not think Egg Harbor switched to solid glass house until 1978? Every other year I would have someone make sure the windows …