The Santa Barbara Airport is the Tri-County regional airport of choice. SBA goal is to exceed expectations for safety and quality of service, and meet the air transportation and economic development needs of its customers and partner.
The soft ocean breeze. The scent of salt water in the air. The beauty and ambiance of an airport that truly is relaxing and nothing like its counterparts. Thatʼs why travelers choose SBA.
Santa Barbara Airport frequently asked questions includes topics on parking, traveling with animals, airport operations, termina questions, amenities, lost and found, and more.
I understand that I am entitled to a copy of the FBI criminal history records check if I submit a written request to the Airport Security Coordinator. If I suspect that the criminal history record check is incorrect, I should contact the reporting agency …
Airport minimum standards establish the minimum requirements to be met by an Entity as a condition for the privilege to conduct an Aeronautical Activity or provide a Commercial Aeronautical Service at the Airport. The benefits of establishing minimum standards include: Promoting safety in all Airport activities;
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26.