Create a podcast in YouTube Studio - YouTube Help - Google Help
On YouTube, a podcast show is a playlist, and podcast episodes are videos in that playlist. Your podcast should only contain full-length episodes, organized in the order that they should be consumed. If your podcast has multiple seasons, include them in the same podcast. Podcast content may be eligible for the following features:
Android 平台有哪些优秀的播客 (podcast) 应用? - 知乎
Android 平台有哪些优秀的播客 (podcast) 应用? 一直没有找到用起来特别舒服的,要么找不到合适的播放源(比如 我听fm),要不在国内不好用。 关注者
Get your podcast on Google - Podcasts Manager Help
There are podcast services on Google with different requirements. If you want your audio content to appear on any of the following services, you must follow the linked instructions. Google news briefings - Prearranged news playlists based on general topic or provider; available in many locales. Prerequisites for appearing in Google Podcasts
Podcast 是什么? - 知乎
Podcast通常以讨论主题为主,例如新闻、娱乐、体育、教育、科技等等。 通常由单个主持人或主持团队主持,他们将其视为一种与听众互动的方式。 许多Podcast节目还有嘉宾,包括专家、名人和其他行业内的人士。
Manage your podcast and episodes on Google Podcasts
You can update information about your podcast in Google Podcasts, such as the name or description, by updating your RSS feed. If you use a podcast hosting service, make your changes in the management pages of your hosting service. Google checks known feeds for changes several times a day; changes can take a few days to appear in Google Podcasts.
Listen to podcasts on your Google Nest speaker or display
Note: Podcasts, podcast providers, and podcast voice controls availability can vary based on your country, region, or language. Each person can link only a single account per streaming service. For example, if you have two Spotify accounts, you can only use one across your devices.
Podcasts Manager Help - Google Help
Connect with other podcast publishers and top contributors in the Google Podcasts Manager help community. Visit the podcast listeners help forum. If you're looking for help as a podcast *listener*, then visit this forum.
有哪些英文电视节目或 Podcast 在官网可以找到脚本或字幕
有哪些英文电视节目或 Podcast 在官网可以找到脚本或字幕 ( transcript )? 想做一个适合大家学英文的材料集锦,我个人说几个,希望大家能踊跃发言,多多补充,把有脚本的听力材料(音频or视频)都找出来,供学习者使用,互利互惠,何乐…
Download music & podcasts to listen offline - Google Help
Download songs and podcast episodes. To download songs and podcast episodes: Open the YouTube Music app.
Video and audio formatting specifications - YouTube Help
Upload videos Edit videos & video settings Create Shorts Edit videos with YouTube Create Customize & manage your channel Analyze performance with analytics Translate videos, subtitles, & captions Manage your posts & comments Live stream on YouTube YouTube Creator Community Become a podcast creator on YouTube Creator and Studio App updates