Punxsutawney Borough
Punxsutawney is situated in southern Jefferson County along the banks of Mahoning Creek and is the largest borough in the county. It is located at the intersection of U.S. 119 and State Route 36, and is approximately ninety (90) miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
Punxsutawney Borough - Sewer Department
The treatment of wastewater is an extremely important area of the infrastructure of the Borough of Punxsutawney. the treatment facility processes your waste water and returns the cleaned water to the creek. Our facility and operators have received recognition through an award presented by the Pennsylvania Rural Water Association.
Punxsutawney Borough - Mayor
Mayor Richard Alexander. 212 Bell Avenue. Punxsutawney, PA 15767 (814) 938-5449. Office: 301 East Mahoning Street, Suite 5. Punxsutawney, PA 15767
Punxsutawney Borough - Administration (including tax information)
Borough Manager Dr. William T. Spencer, PhD, CME, MEP Phone: 814-938-4480 Email: boromng@punxsyboro.com Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Peace Phone: 814-938-4480 Email: recept@punxsyboro.com Secretary Jessica Yoder Phone: 814-938-4480 Email: office@punxsyboro.com Punxsutawney Borough Tax Collector
Punxsutawney Borough - Elk Run Fire Company
Welcome to Punxsutawney, PA. Administration (including tax information) Borough Council. Codes, Permits, and Recycling ... Punxsutawney Borough. Elk Run Fire Company. Elk Run Fire Dept. Station 30. 219 Elk Run Avenue. Punxsutawney, PA 15767. Line …
Punxsutawney Borough - Codes, Permits, and Recycling
*You may download a permit application from this website (click on the appropriate "red lettering" above) and bring with you or mail to the code office at 301 East Mahoning Street, Suite 6, Punxsutawney, PA 15767. All Borough regulations may be read in their entirety by going to www.generalcode.com
Punxsutawney Borough - Committees
The Borough of Punxsutawney has several Boards and Commissions that serve our community. If you are interested in serving on a Board or Commission please send a letter of interest to Punxsutawney Borough Council, 301 East Mahoning Street, Punxsutawney PA 15767 or contact Michelle Peace, Borough Secretary at (814) 938-4480 for additional ...
Civil Service Examination
Applications will be available at the office of the Punxsutawney Civic Center, 301 East Mahoning Street, Suite #1, Punxsutawney, PA 15767, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Applications may also be downloaded from the police department web-site, www.punxsutawneyboro.com.
Punxsutawney Area Community Center
Located at 220 North Jefferson Street, Punxsutawney, PA, the Community Center provides programs that are education and recreational to the Punxsutawney area. A fitness center and fitness classes are also available.
Punxsutawney Borough - Lindsey Fire Company
Welcome to Punxsutawney, PA. Administration (including tax information) Borough Council. Codes, Permits, and Recycling. Committees. Emergency Services ... Punxsutawney Borough. Lindsey Fire Company. Lindsey Fire Dept. Station 40. 1010 West Mahoning Street. non-emergency phone: (814) 938-6370.