Miss Oklahoma Canna Lily - American Meadows
Miss Oklahoma Canna Lily shows off a classic summer color palette with stylish coral blooms atop deep green foliage. Hummingbirds and butterflies can’t resist the appeal of these blooms from midsummer to fall.
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Canna Miss Oklahoma - Bluestone Perennials
Canna Miss Oklahoma - Common name: Canna Lily - Long-lasting color and easy to grow, coral flowers tower above the tropical foliage. Canna Miss Oklahoma with its statuesque height and color flaunts a prominent presence in container plantings or a sunny border.
Discover The Alluring Beauty Of The Miss Oklahoma Canna Lily: A ...
Jul 15, 2023 · Native to tropical and subtropical regions, the Miss Oklahoma Canna Lily brings a touch of exotic beauty to any landscape. Its tall stems, reaching up to 5 feet in height, are adorned with a cluster of large, ruffled blooms that command attention.
Canna, Miss Oklahoma - DeGroot
Canna ‘Miss Oklahoma’ brings a touch of the tropics to the garden! Offering gorgeous coral blooms and deep green foliage, these exotic looking plants are indispensable for a splendid summer border bursting with drama.
Canna, Tall Cannas 'Miss Oklahoma' | Gertens Garden Center
Canna Lily | Canna indica 'Miss Oklahoma' Pink flowers on very tall stems surrounded by green sword shaped foliage. Canna are extremely easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Plant in a container or garden setting, be sure to water well and often. Plant roots horizontally with sprouts facing upwards. Water well during growing season.
Giant Canna Pink President (Miss Oklahoma) | K. van Bourgondien
From midsummer to the first fall frost, clusters of showy pink flowers bloom against broad, green, tropical-looking leaves. Growing 3' tall, these cannas are deer-resistant and attract butterflies. They'll make borders and beds come alive with their bright colors all summer long.
Canna Lily Canna indica Miss Oklahoma from Netherland Bulb
Canna indica 'Miss Oklahoma' Pink flowers on very tall stems surrounded by green sword shaped foliage. Canna are extremely easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun.
Canna 'Miss Oklahoma' | Urban Tree Farm Nursery
Botanical Name: Canna ‘Miss Oklahoma’ Common Name: Canna Lily; Exposure: Full Sun/Shade; Dimensions (HxW): 2-3′ x 2′-spreading each year
Canna ( Miss Oklahoma Canna ) - Backyard Gardener
Sep 21, 2016 · Easy-to-grow tropical-looking plant with wide green foliage and watermelon-pink flowers. This plant is self-cleaning and free blooming. Great border or container plant. Full sun produces best growth and flowering results. Plant is drought tolerant once established. Spring fertilization is recommended, again in summer as blooming begins.
Canna 'Miss Oklahoma' - Shoot
'Miss Oklahoma' is an erect, rhizomatous perennial bearing large, banana-like, dark grey-green leaves with red margins and sturdy stems bearing racemes of salmon-pink flowers from midsummer into autumn.