Mihi whakatau and mihimihi - Massey University
A mihi whakatau is a less formal type of Māori welcome. Find out what happens at a mihi whakatau, and learn how to introduce yourself with a mihimihi and a pepeha.
Useful Māori phrases - Omniglot
Useful Māori phrases. A collection of useful phrases in Māori, a Polynesian language spoken in New Zealand. Jump to phrases. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. If you can provide recordings, corrections or …
When can I use ‘ngā mihi’? You can use ‘ngā mihi’ at either the beginning or ending of your conversation, and formalise or informalise it as you grow in proficiency. Ngā mihi simply means ‘thanks’ or ‘cheers’ – which is why of recent times it’s been opted for use to close conversations.
kōrero (phrases) associated with ngā mihi (greetings and farewells). This resource provides you with opportunities to increase your repertoire of huinga reo – te reo Māori vocabulary. Achievement Objective: 1.1 Greet, farewell, and acknowledge people and respond to greetings and acknowledgements. Hei Whakamārama – Explanations
Greetings - Mihi - Māori Language.net
There are many greetings or mihi used in Māori. Here are some that are commonly used. Kia ora (Greetings, Hello) Kia ora koutou (Greetings, Hello to you – 3 or more people) Kia ora rā kōrua (Greetings, Hello to you two – 2 people) Kia ora koutou katoa (Greetings, Hello to you all – 3 or more people) Tēnā koe (Greetings, Hello to you – 1 person)
This book provides a range of te reo Māori kupu (words) and rerenga kōrero (phrases) associated with Ngā Mihi Whakanui or Ngā Mihi Akiaki – Praises. This resource also provides you with opportunities to increase your repertoire of huinga reo – te reo Māori vocabulary.
Mihimihi - akomanga
Mihimihi are informal introductions at the beginning of any hui, gathering or event. Everyone's mihi can be different and many different styles can be used. For learners it is often difficult to decide how/when/where/what mihi is appropriate.
Mihi and Pepeha – Speeches and Greetings – Hongi NZ
Mihi and Pepeha – Speeches and Greetings. A Mihi is a greeting in Maori. It is a way of saying hello in a casual setting but on formal occasions, such a Powhiri, it must contain something known as a Pepeha or introduction.
Mihi - introductions, Māori ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
At the beginning of any hui, following the pōwhiri (formal welcome) or the mihi whakatau (a welcome, as practised off marae across the Ngāi Tahu tribal region), a round of introductions and speeches – or mihimihi – usually occurs.
Mihi (Māori culture) - Wikipedia
In Māori, a mihi or mihi whakatau is a formal or semi-formal speech or speeches of greeting at a meeting such as a hui. [1] The speech acknowledges those present, and may be accompanied by other ritual greetings or acknowledgements, such as pōwhiri, wero, or recital of pepeha.