NVC community MG1 is one of the mesotrophic grassland communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system, characterised by the abundance of rank grasses and tall …
In total, 13 mesotrophic grassland communities have been identified: two communities in which False Oat-grass is the characteristic grass species (one of these, community MG1, is …
It was prepared by Richard Jefferson (Natural England), Stuart Smith (Natural Resources Wales), and Jane MacKintosh (Scottish Natural Heritage), and provides detailed guidance for use in …
MG1 Arrhenatherum elatius: dry tall-herb grassland. Some stands of the Pastinaca, Centaurea nigra (especially the Pimpinella saxifraga variant) and Filipendula sub-communities may be …
Lowland meadows are semi-natural, neutral grasslands defined by a characteristic species-rich flora, which exceptionally may exceed 40 species per 4 m2 and may often include a few …
mesotrophic grasslands are divided into 13 communities, MG1-13 (Rodwell 1992). The NVC in relation to Hurst Meadow was used to provide a baseline survey upon which management …
British NVC community MG2 — (Arrhenatherum elatius Filipendula ulmaria tall herb grassland) is one of the mesotrophic grassland communities in the British National Vegetation Classification …
MG1 and MG6 are species rich semi-improved dry grasslands supporting flowering herbs, grasses and sedges and fungi. MG6 is relatively unmodified and occurs mainly on steep North …
Grassland communities associated with this habitat complex include MG1–2, MG9, MG10, MG11, MG13; CG10 (Rodwell et al., 1992); and U1–2, whilst the scrub communities W6 and W23 are …