Lesson Plan: Forcible Entry Tools - TX CTE
In this lesson, students will understand how to effectively perform forcible entry techniques used by fire personnel to gain entry into buildings, vehicles, aircraft, and other areas of confinement when normal means of entry are locked or blocked. Download the lesson plan.
The following is a quick refresher on its key components and some quick one and two FF forcible entry tips. Gap – the term gap refers to what’s likely going to be your first move on an inward opening door.
The firefighter must always know how to use the basic forcible entry tools, the axe and the Halligan Tool, to gain entry. As stated earlier, firefighters are a unique breed of people.
Forcible Entry Lesson Plan - studylib.net
Firefighter training material on forcible entry techniques, tools, and objectives. Covers inward/outward doors, safety, and communication.
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OBJECTIVE: Given a staircase, two rescue firefighters donned in SCBA, and a downed firefighter in SCBA, students will demonstrate moving the firefighter up a flight of stairs.
To effectively perform forcible entry, firefighters need to be familiar with the firefighter tools used to force entry and how to use them safely. When done correctly, forcible entry minimizes property damage and provides quick access at the emergency scene. Forcible entry should only be done only when traditional means of access are not .
Forcible Entry Inward - Hydra-Ram / Rabbit Tool Are designed for forcing doors that open inward. They work best on doors with strong metal frames. These tools are easy to use. The two most popular models are the HURST- RABBIT TOOL and HYDRA RAM from Fire Hooks Unlimited.
This activity is designed to assist the student in gaining a further understanding of forcible entry. The activity incorporates both critical thinking and the application of fire fighter knowledge.
Practical Skill Training Station 12.2.1 is two part skill station demonstrating and performing conventional forcing of an Inward swinging door and the use of a Hydra-Ram and Rabbit Tool to force doors.
This lesson is intended to prepare the student to attack various types of fires, using effective attack tactics, following the policies and procedures set forth by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Describe initial factors to consider when suppressing structure fires.