有媒體報道, 美國總統特朗普(Donald Teump)政府在當地星期六(1日)對其三個最大貿易夥伴的進口商品, 徵收高額關稅時, 選擇對從加拿大進口的能源, 徵收較為溫和的關稅, 藉以對國內的任何破壞性影響降至最低. 同日, 特朗普的貿易顧問納瓦羅(Peter Navarro)在與記者的電話會議中表示, 對能源徵收10% 的稅率, 將把美國可能對汽油及家庭取暖油價格造成的任何破壞性影響降至最低.
The death toll of the mishap in a canal in India's northern state of Haryana rose to 7 while five persons were still missing, a local official confirmed on Saturday. The mishap occurred late Friday ni ...
Brazil's House and Senate elected new leaders on Saturday who promised independence from the administration of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva during their two-year terms, which will be the final ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will start negotiations on the second phase of the Gaza ceasefire when he meets with U.S. President Donald Trump's Middle East Envoy, Steve Witkoff, on Monday ...
美國白宮宣布, 2月1日起將對加拿大及墨西哥輸美商品, 徵收25%關稅, 並對中國商品徵收10%關稅. 法新社報道, 加拿大已經接獲通知, 關稅措施將於當地星期二, 即2月4日起生效. 根據加國政府消息人士, 美國當局已經通知加拿大, 2月4日起將針對除石油等能源產品外的所有出口產品, 徵收25%關稅; 加拿大出口能源, 將適用較低的10%稅率. 白宮發言人李威特(Karoline Leavitt ...