Lendlease, ENR New York's Owner of the year recently completed Claremont Hall, a mixed-use academic and residential building ...
New agreement between Type One Energy and Tennessee Valley Authority marks a key step in joint effort to commercialize ...
New agreement between Type One Energy and Tennessee Valley Authority marks a key step in joint effort to commercialize ...
After eight years of growth, the market still is thriving. Further, most specialty contractors believe it will continue to improve through the end of 2018 and have backlogs to prove it. But some ...
The construction market is cyclical. Executives at large U.S. contractors understand this and also understand that the current booming market will not last forever. However, despite the fact that ...
The uncertainties in the international construction markets can be seen in the results of the ENR Top 250 International Contractors list. The ENR Top 250 International Contractors had $501.14 ...
Overall, the Top 100 Design-Build Firms had a total revenue of $107.15 billion in 2017, up 4.0% from 2016. However, revenue from domestic DB projects grew a robust 9.6%, rising to $84.35 billion ...
The construction market has been growing steadily for nearly 10 years, with no signs of stopping. Industry veterans know the market can’t sustain this pace forever, but they are focused on the ...
The market for major design firms is growing and is poised to continue to grow for the foreseeable future, but the sense of euphoria seen last year has faded. One year ago, most firms expected a ...
The global construction market is sluggish and has been for several years. After enjoying boom years from 2012 to 2014, the bubble burst, leaving international contractors scrambling. This ...
The market for international contractors has been undergoing stresses over the past four years, starting with a drop in commodity metals prices, which curbed the mining sector, closely followed by ...
The global construction market is sluggish and has been for several years. After enjoying boom years from 2012 to 2014, the bubble burst, leaving international contractors scrambling. This ...