NDI invites developers to submit their innovations following the addition of SCTE, MIDI, DMX, and captioning capabilities.
NDI has launched a plan to enhance its metadata capabilities, unlocking unprecedented control in live-production and ...
The new NDI Metadata Lab is inviting developers to submit their innovations following the addition of SCTE, MIDI, DMX, and ...
NDI, a global standard for plug-and-play connectivity, has kickstarted its plan to enhance NDI metadata capabilities, unlocking unprecedented control in live production and broadcast workflows. Newly ...
The NDI technical team has also launched the NDI Metadata Lab, an initiative to further grow and improve the standard ...
The Bhutan National Digital Identity or the Bhutan NDI app, has surpassed 200,000 users since its launch in October 2023.
South Bend Tribune and NDI sports columnist/Notre Dame men's basketball beat writer Tom Noie holds a monthly chat during the college basketball season. The next session will be Thursday, January 20 at ...
LAS VEGAS— QuickLink, a global provider of multicamera video productions and remote contributions, will launch two new models ...
“Sitikudana ndi utsogoleri wanu, ndipo mukationa tikulira, muzidziwa kuti tili ndi madando ofuna inu mulowererepo monga tate ...