The Village of Dolton has been served a subpoena seeking records tied to a land development allegedly linked to Mayor Tiffany Henyard's boyfriend.
A jury in Illinois began deliberations on Friday in the criminal trial of a landlord charged in the brutal 2023 attack on a Palestinian American family that left a 6-year-old dead.
After more than three decades of welcoming commuters with a smile, Janet Martin is retiring from the CTA.
Mayor Brandon Johnson has appointed 35th Ward Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa as the Chicago Park District General Superintendent and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Federal authorities served another subpoena in Dolton this week as part of an ongoing investigation into the south suburb.
At an emergency meeting Friday, four of the seven members of the Chicago Park District Board ratified Mayor Brandon Johnson's ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson has appointed Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa as the next superintendent and CEO of the Chicago Park District.
Former foes appear to be putting Chicago Democratic politics aside to help Johnson prepare for a Republican-led hearing.
A week's delay in voting on the mayor's $830 million borrowing plan bought his City Council allies time to twist arms to guarantee passage. Unfortunately, that extra time didn't do much to improve the ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson announced his appointment as the Chicago Park District's new CEO days after General Supt. and Chief ...
The district is bringing in the Metropolitan Family Services to help relaunch the program and oversee nonprofits that will ...
Block Club is a nonprofit, local newsroom that relies on reader support. Our ability to hold leaders accountable and discover stories, big and small, that matter to you is only possible because of ...