The Stop Secret Spending Act targets federal spending labeled “other transaction agreements” not included on The act would require billions of dollars in spending to be reported on ...
Protesters gathered in Waterloo, Iowa, on Tuesday, March 11 to speak out against the overreach of the executive branch in Washington and federal budget cuts, according to a local news report.Footage ...
Recent events have led Julie Stiers to experience a number of firsts. Until three weeks ago, she had never been part of a ...
That’s why I joined the bipartisan DOGE Caucus and am working to rein in wasteful spending and demand results. Transparency is the first step toward accountability. By exposing these billion-dollar ...
In his new regular column, Diamond on Democracy, democracy scholar Larry Diamond, acknowledges that “[h]aving won the presidency fair and square, Donald Trump has earned the right to propose, and in ...
We said the pledge of allegiance every morning in our schools growing up. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for ...
This Save Act discriminates against the elderly, women, and people who are in poverty. Please contact Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst ( and and urge them to ...