and a sly heel turn by Jod Na Nawood (Jude Law). Skeleton Crew Episode 8, “The Real Good Guys,” finally provided closure for the four kids, their parents, Jod, and the entire planet of At ...
In this week's episode of Skeleton Crew, Jod Na Nawood may have ventured into the realm of the "irredeemable" unless there's a stunning twist in-store next week. But this turn didn't come as a ...
Jod is a mysterious pirate. He can use the Force, and he has many names, from Captain Silvo and Crimson Jack to Dash Renton and Jodwick Zank. When he’s first introduced in Skeleton Crew, he ...
Postać ta nadal skrywa jednak wiele tajemnic. Wiele wskazuje jednak na to, że Jod Na Nawood nie jest Jedi. W trzecim epizodzie sam bohater podkreślił, że nigdy nim się nie nazwał.