Jujutsu Kaisen will be featured at a huge event for anime, known as Anime Japan 2025. In this event, Jujutsu Kaisen will be taking the Red Stage. The event will be held over two days, March 22 and ...
With no library functionality currently available, it's much trickier to buildcraft for Hyper Light Breaker. Here is every ...
A game like Stardew Valley is coming to the Nintendo Switch on February 13, with farming, family raising, relationships, and more.
Combat is messy and repetitive, bosses are cheesy and frustrating as all get out, the procedural worlds are awkward to explore, and both loot and progression are half-baked. Cover all of that in a ...
Hyper Light Breaker is now out in Early Access on Steam. It is about diving to the overgrowth to defeat the world bosses with roguelite elements.
Heart Machine's latest project has a solid base to build on but simply struggles to excel as an actually fun video game at the moment.
Lost in the wilderness? This guide has everything you need to know to traverse the Overgrowth in Hyper Light Breaker.