The Utah congressman added he is enthused by the dramatic changes occurring at the U.S. Department of Education.
Distance learning encompasses both distance education (i.e., instructor and student are in geographically separate locations) and supervised field experiences (e.g., clinical rotations in another ...
Boston College offers a variety of distance education opportunities, designed to offer students a flexible, online alternative to traditional on-campus programs and courses. In support of Boston ...
Atul Kumar Tiwari discusses India's potential in distance education, emphasizing technology-driven learning and vocational training initiatives for employability.
Academic Affairs recently updated the Student Identity Verification (SIV) in Distance Education policy to better comply with the Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) guidance. Please ...
The Office of Distance Education & Instructional Design (DEID) provides faculty at Morehead State University (MSU) support in the creation and delivery of online courses that will allow for more ...
UNESCO has been working to mitigate the impact of education disruption and school closures. In response to the pandemic, UNESCO has produced various distance learning resources to support teachers and ...