I-240 TO ASHEVILLE HIGHWAY TO TAKE YOU 11 MINUTES ... or call 911 or *HP. The AMBER Alert for another North Carolina was canceled this morning.
New York State Police are asking for your help when they test the state's Amber Alert system in the Rochester region later this week. The test will be performed on Thursday, March 6, at 10 a.m ...
There have been questions among some of the 60,000 Greater Greenville Sanitation customers as to why these bills were created, and how they can stop it from moving forward. Read more: https://www ...
An AMBER Alert has been issued by the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office for 15-year-old Azalea Strifler. 32,951 people played the daily Crossword recently. Can you solve it faster than others?
A statewide Amber Alert that had been issued earlier Thursday was canceled. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, she had been missing since February 21. Missing ...
An Amber Alert went out statewide Thursday morning asking for information about Geydi Hernandez Fernandez, who was last seen on Friday. The Siler City Police Department and the NC SBI announced ...
Police didn't say where she was found, but did say the 15-year-old was safely recovered, and canceled the Amber Alert for her. Authorities issued an Amber Alert for the girl on Thursday.
An AMBER Alert has been issued by the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office for 15-year-old Azalea Strifler. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children An Amber Alert for a missing teenage girl ...