Kurz vor seinem Tod bereitete David Lynch seine Ausstellung im Oldenburger Horst-Janssen-Museum noch vor. Dort sind nun seine ...
NEW YORK - The American comic book company that publishes the graphic novels and comics of Neil Gaiman announced over the weekend that it would no longer work with the English author after a storm ...
they are formidable combatants and, combined with the Courts' political and economic influence, the Court of Owls is one of the most deadly and dangerous teams in DC Comics.
Susana Polo is a senior entertainment writer at Polygon, specializing in pop culture and genre fare, with a primary expertise in comic books. Previously, she founded The Mary Sue. Fantasy High ...
If you're looking for all the new Spider-Man comics then you're in the right place! More than 60 years after he first appeared, Peter Parker and his friends, enemies and allies remain as popular ...
The world’s biggest English language comics distributor is selling off assets and scaling its business back in order to survive. The world’s biggest English language comics distributor is ...
But what’s actually going to take you back to The Land of Ooo in 2025? Why, that’d be a brand new Adventure Time comic series from Oni Press. Yes, coming this April (that’s April 2025), fans ...
Consider that after a lifetime of acting lessons, four years of drama school at Carnegie Mellon, and three years after college of booking only one professional gig (a single episode of “ER ...
„Es ist eines der verrücktesten Röntgenbilder, das ich je gesehen habe.” Gemeint ist hier die Aufnahme von Hüfte und Beinen eines Patienten, der wegen Hüftschmerzen ins Krankenhaus kam.
In Bayern haben Wissenschaftler eine neue Regenwurm-Art entdeckt. Der Wurm ist blassrosa und vermutlich ein Überlebender der letzten Eiszeit. Experten sprechen von einer kleinen Sensation.