MILLVILLE, New Jersey -- The history of World War II in South Jersey and beyond is captured through the planes, uniforms, and other military artifacts at the Millville Army Air Field Museum.
Local politician Mark Mather told the BBC that the area was reportedly used to train the Home Guard volunteer army during World War II, and it appeared that after the war the ordnance was buried.
After the policy forbidding German Jews from serving in the U.S. military was changed during World War II, Pins joined the Army and was going through basic training, believing he would be sent ...
Within the Context, Joint Force Capabilities, At Decisive Points” — just one of the haikus written by Army officers during the Advanced Military Studies program.
Peering out the hangar doors at the Chico Air Museum is a bright yellow 1943 Fairchild PT-26, the kind of plane that gave many Canadian and American pilots their first wings.
The holiday marking the Soviets’ triumph over the Nazis in World War II will go without its usual demonstrations of military might this year – exposing Russia’s endemic problems. A handful ...
Some of their top minor leaguers were listed as well, including: Lloyd Ailsby, Elmer Kreller, Mitch Pechet, Jack McDonald, ...
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — It is a reunion 80 years in the making. During World War II, Earl L. McCorkle from Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, was fighting the Germans while trying to cross the Rhine River. But it ...
Today it is one of the finest military camps in the world,” the article states. World War II veteran Harry Baker said in a 2022 news article, when he was 102 years old, what the “new buildings ...
Prohibited from serving with the U.S. Army as a medical officer, Barbara Stimson was commissioned by the British—and helped open the American military to female doctors By Catherine Musemeche ...
Bryant, at the time 23 -years-old, was assigned to Company B, 4th Ranger Battalion, a unit known as Darby's Rangers.