Wild turkeys can be unruly neighbors. They poop all over the place, damage trees with their sharp claws, hold up traffic and are known to bully dogs, children and the occasional mail carrier. That was ...
Wild turkey is my all-time favorite game meat. It’s easy to cook, it has plenty of rich flavor, and it’s just about impossible to beat fried turkey nuggets dipped in spicy barbecue sauce. Talk to any ...
For over a century, the wild turkey continued to be absent from the New York landscape. However, in the late 1940's, wild turkeys had moved northward from Pennsylvania and were reported again in ...
We’re all familiar with a raspy hen yelp and a thundering tom gobble. But wild hens and gobblers make many turkey sounds beyond these two vocalizations. Each of these sounds express specific meanings.
A turkey vulture standing on the ground can, at a distance, resemble a wild turkey. It is unique among our vultures in that it finds carrion by smell as well as by sight. When threatened ...
The eastern wild turkey is North America's most abundant and widely distributed turkey subspecies. It inhabits 38 states and a handful of Canadian provinces. Most eastern turkeys are found east of ...
Mississippi wild turkey populations have been increasing for the past few years, leading to high harvest estimates. Favorable nesting conditions and strong poult survival rates are contributing to ...