UK’s worst areas for potholes revealed as cost of bringing roads up to scratch estimated to be £16.8bn - It would cost £16.8 ...
The cost of fixing pothole-plagued roads in England and Wales has skyrocketed to £17 billion despite the Labour Party ...
Alarm report lays bare state of local roads, while separate research from Kwik Fit shows drivers facing £1.7bn repair bill.
Longer-term funding is required alongside ring-fenced budgets to ensure that Wales' roads can be maintained. The call comes ...
It could cost almost £17 billion to sort out the ‘pothole plague’ bursting tyres and battering suspension across the road ...
A report by the Asphalt Industry Alliance found that one in six miles of the local road network has less than five years’ ...
Cruise along the South Wales coastline on the world's last seagoing paddle steamer and visit this hidden gem of an island you ...
The new coach bounce had worn off and Wales were back to the sad shell of a team which had plummeted to an all-time low of ...
Around 2,100 miles of London’s pothole-ridden roads have less than five years’ structural life remaining, new research finds ...
Keir Starmer has a historic chance this year to end decades of second-class treatment of the Welsh rail network. Far less ...
County councils across Wales will soon be able to access up to £120m to repair more local roads over the next two years, ...
Prosecutor Henry Riding told the court police had discovered cannabis farms worth about £21m linked to work carried out by ...