Suitors, our time is here. We knew that Gabriel Macht would put back on a sleek, impeccably tailored, and ridiculously expensive suit as Harvey Specter in Suits LA. His character knows Stephen ...
“Entertainment Weekly” reports Rick Hoffman will once again play the role of Louis Litt in an upcoming episode of NBC’s new spinoff series “Suits LA.” Add Hoffman to the list of original ...
NBC‘s Suits LA fans will welcome back Gabriel Macht as Harvey Specter in next week’s episode “Batman Returns,” and Deadline has your first look via a first-look photo below and teaser above.
Gabriel Macht is returning to the "Suits" universe as Harvey Specter. Gabriel Macht is returning to the "Suits" universe as his character, Harvey Specter. Following the latest "Suits LA" episode ...
EXCLUSIVE: NBC’s Suits LA will welcome Rick Hoffman later this season, reprising the role of Louis Litt he originated in the mothership series, USA Network’s Suits. Sources close to production ...
Another legal hot shot from the east coast is heading to sunny California, as it's been confirmed Rick Hoffman will reprise his Suits role for the LA-based spin-off. So far, he's just down for a ...
While Hoffman is only set to reprise his prickly — and yet oddly endearing — character for a single episode this season, Deadline indicates that there will be the potential for the actor to ...