When was Jesus born? When did he die? What was his socioeconomic class? How did he fit in the religious, political and ...
It might come as a bombshell or like one raising dust, but simply, it was out of curiosity that I literarily devoured the Bible to know if there was any time Jesus laughed, any day during his lifetime ...
The story of David and Saul in today's First Reading functions almost like a parable. Showing mercy to his deadly foe, David ...
The Sunday gospel lectionary reading for the Second Sunday before Lent in Year C is Luke 8.22–25, the concise account by Luke ...
To know that someone is thinking about us and cares enough to make an intentional effort to bless us gives us hope. We all ...
In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus seems to come down on the side of the broadest possible application of the love ethic. And by emphasizing a particular type of love – the gut-wrenching kind – ...
The vice president’s mangling of the Christian ordo amoris is just a smokescreen for the largest deportation operation in ...
Next the Lucan gospel traces Jesus' genealogy back to Adam in order to show the universality of the salvation which he brings. Luke is the only gospel writer who tells the parables of the prodigal ...
Why did Jesus tell people to make offerings in the Temple? Why did Paul call himself a Pharisee? The Bible’s answer might ...