Sharing plant cuttings is a free and environmentally friendly way to grow your plant collection. You just have to know where ...
To propagate by cuttings, cut a leaf into 3-inch to 4-inch sections, dip the lower cut end in rooting hormone, and insert the leaf piece into perlite or other rooting media. Place in a warm ...
Start seeds that require a pre-chilling period. Seeds can be planted in trays and refrigerated for designated times. Examples include milkweed, liatris, shining blue star and blue false indigo.
This pretty annual makes a great addition to any garden. Portulaca, also known as moss rose or purslane, is a flowering ...
Fact checked by Isaac Winter Succulents are easy to grow and care for, which is why they're ideal indoor and outdoor plants. They're low maintenance, can thrive on neglect, and some are even ...