Beyond performance metrics, the study explored how these findings apply to neuromorphic computing, which requires low-power, efficient devices. The combination of h-BN’s insulating properties and the ...
Scientists, led by Dr. Chumak, create a processor harnessing magnon transport to reduce energy consumption, marking a milestone in computing.
The upside is that it can peer into your mind without having to place a device, like a brain computer interface, inside your skull — an invasive approach favored by other mind-typing techniques.
Feb 20 - Quantum computing stocks advanced on Thursday after Microsoft launched a new chip that indicated the technology is not "decades away" as stated by the top boss of AI chip bellwether Nvidia.
Google has begun enforcing new tracking rules across connected devices, such as smartphones, consoles, and smart TVs, as BBC reports. The tech giant once called the fingerprint tracking technique ...
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AI is the technology trend of the moment—but what’s 10 years down the road? Some experts say quantum computing will be the next game changer. WSJ visited IBM’s quantum computing lab to learn ...
AI laptops are emerging as the next frontier in portable computing. These devices integrate advanced artificial intelligence at both hardware and software levels to optimise performance ...
Microsoft announced the deprecation of the Location History feature from Windows, which let applications like the Cortana virtual assistant to fetch location history of the device. By deprecating ...