An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass.
Un pahar cu lapte reduce riscul de a face cancer de colon FOTO Shutterstock Cancerul de colon este o un adevărat ucigaș la nivel mondial. Este al treilea cea mai întâlnită formă de cancer, la nivel ...
Dev has beat his own film 'Chander Pahar' and Abir Chatterjee-Shiboprasad Mukherjee starrer 'Bohurupi'. As per a tweet, Khadaan crossed the Rs 15 cr-milestone within just 21 days, while Bohurupi ...
Consumul unui pahar cu apă rece înainte de somn a devenit un obicei pentru mulți, dar acest gest simplu are atât beneficii, cât și posibile efecte negative, în funcție de organismul fiecărei persoane.
As part of the celebrations, the coordinators joined the July fighters in singing the iconic song "Amar Shonar Bangla" by renowned musician Prince Mahmud. The singer was so moved by their ...
Sarjis Alam, Hasnat Abdullah, and other coordinators of the Anti-Discrimination Students' Movement recently welcomed the new year alongside the July fighters, who have been permanently disabled in ...
Jio Service Center - Shiv Pahar, Dumka is one of the well-known service centers you can visit for all your device related damages be it – mobiles. We here have updated address, contact number and ...