Engineer Estelle Brachlianofff ... ENR: Water utilities often say they're overwhelmed between meeting water quality standards and just keeping infrastructure up to date. Do you have any concerns ...
The East Berlin Area Joint Authority recently issued a notice to its customers about elevated levels of PFOA detected in one of the system's wells.
Notice is given to the shareholders of KONE Corporation of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 5 March 2025 beginning at 11:00 a.m. at Finlandia Hall, Mannerheimintie 13 E, Helsinki.
The system needs more stable funding, a greater emphasis on local content, and reduced reliance on private financing and syndicated programs.
In a recent interview with 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl, McConnell said putting his focus on the judiciary was his way of attaining enduring influence. "It's a lifetime appointment ...
At an aerospace conference, Boeing displayed a newly humble approach to protecting its fragile supply chain. Analysts spoke ...
After 40 years of service with SEPTA, a trailblazing train operator is calling it a career. Jackie Pettyjohn made history as SEPTA's first female train engineer, according to the transit agency.
The Francis College of Engineering has been recognized as exemplar and with a Bronze Award for the inaugural ASEE Diversity Recognition Program. The ASEE Diversity Recognition Program (ADRP) was ...
A university that is home to five Nobel Prize winners. Engineering faculty who include two former NASA astronauts and the founder of Engineers Without Borders-USA. CU Engineering is the highest ranked ...
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Ronald L Johnson, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) former deputy commanding general has been named as the 39th Black Engineer of the Year by Black Engineer Magazine and will ...
The third senior officials' meeting at the expert level between the State of Qatar and the European External Action Service (EEAS) was held in Doha. The meeting focused on three key dialogue ...