Una dintre cele mai moderne biblioteci scolare din judetul Suceava se afla, incepand de saptamana aceasta, la Liceul cu Program Sportiv Suceava. Acolo unde nu se face doar sport de performanta, ci se ...
Liceul cu Program Sportiv a inaugurat marți, 11 martie a.c., Biblioteca ”Ion Cozmei”, renovată și dotată cu echipamente IT cu ...
Ultima ora: Ziua Universitatii Stefan cel Mare din Suceava va fi celebrata vineri, 7 martie, prin organizarea unui concert cu ...
Actor Vidya Balan recently took to social media to warn fans about “AI-generated and inauthentic” videos of her circulating online. Vidya also advised fans to be wary of misleading AI-generated ...
Vidya Balan warned fans about AI-generated deepfake videos falsely attributing statements to her. She urged people to verify information before sharing. Listen to Story Vidya Balan warns fans about AI ...
And in the latest, deepfake scammers targeted Vidya Balan. Deepfake scammers target Vidya Balan Recently, Vidya Balan took to social media to sound the alarm about fake videos circulating online, ...
Actor Vidya Balan is the latest celebrity to be targeted by the rising threat of deepfake videos. However, she is responding swiftly to tackle the issue. She has firmly clarified that she has no ...
Vidya Balan has now issued a public warning after some AI-generated deepfake videos of her went viral on social media. The Bollywood actress is the latest victim of the misuse of artificial ...
Kallur Balan, an environmentalist who received Kerala’s 'Friend of the Forest' award, never sought recognition for his work. But when he died in early February, aged 75, the forests he left ...
Seasoned Ghanaian journalist, Umaru Sanda Amadu, gave his basic school headmaster and teachers a television set each to show his appreciation for their contribution to his education. The popular ...
Deputatul democrat liberal de Suceava, Ioan Balan, a urcat o treapta ierarhica in structurile de conducere ale organizatiei judetene a PD-L. Balan a fost promovat secretar general al Biroului ...
Sanda Island, off the tip of the Kintyre peninsula, was on the market for £2.5m and has seven houses, a lighthouse and a tavern. Mowi said it plans to install fish farms off Sanda's east coast ...