After years of research and community engagement, the Poughkeepsie City School District will rename George Clinton Elementary ...
From its start more than 30 years ago, texting has slowly but surely become the dominant form of communication ...
Samuel Morse. However, maybe we should call it Vail code after Alfred Vail, who may be its real inventor. Haven’t heard of him? You aren’t alone. Yet he was behind the first telegraph key and ...
Before there were cell phones, before there was email, and before there were telephones, people were able to communicate over long distances. Instead of walking around looking at a device for much ...
Samuel Morse. However, maybe we should call it Vail code after Alfred Vail, who may be its real inventor. Haven’t heard of him? You aren’t alone. Yet he was behind the first telegraph key and ...
Inventor Samuel Morse places a wire across New York harbor ... leading Congress to appropriate $30,000 towards construction of a telegraph line. Portuguese engineer Jose d'Almeida describes ...
In 1630 John Winthrop, the first governor, settled in Charlestown with a group of English colonists, some of whom eventually relocated across the Charles River to what became Boston. In Charlestown, ...
Technology has always been a transformative—and often disruptive—force in the media ecosystem. From Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in 1450 to Samuel Morse’s telegraph in 1837, ...
Michael Mosley, Cassie Newland and Mark Miodownik describe the scientific achievements of Samuel Morse. He developed Morse code as a rival to Cook and Wheatstone’s telegraph. It was simple and ...
Morse code is a communication system developed by Samuel Morse, an American inventor ... transmitted as electrical pulses sent along a telegraph wire, and later via radio waves, but it’s ...