The Sines LNG terminal, operated by REN, played a pivotal role in Portugal’s natural gas supply in 2024, delivering 98% of the National Gas Sys ...
Launched at the Berlinale, Film Basque Country aims to capitalize on the region’s cachet and hefty new incentives to promote ...
Zelestra has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla to sell 57MW of solar capacity.
Having a second home in France is a dream for many British people - but there is a clear trend in the areas most popular with ...
Malabo, the island capital of Equatorial Guinea, sits closer to Cameroon than its own mainland, reflecting a complex colonial ...
Ryanair CEO Eddie Wilson traveled to the port city of Dakhla, on the West African coast, to launch his budget airline’s latest destination. On the runway, he posed for photos with Morocco’s tourist ...
The deal was signed with the Energize programme, a renewable energy purchasing vehicle for pharmeceutical companies.
"New York gets in your blood. It's very hard to remove that," he said. "... But I love Spain too. I love Madrid. It's time for my wife to be around her family, friends, and culture, and it’s good for ...
In port, there are other pitfalls to avoid — products that won ... From cheap hammocks in Mexico to inexpensive fans in Spain, the souvenirs you'll find in trinket-filled shops are designed for the ...
Current local time in Port_of_Spain (America/Port_of_Spain timezone). Get information about the America/Port_of_Spain time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is ...