These perennial herbs return year after year, saving you money in the long run Growing perennial herbs is a savvy way to save ...
As the UK sees more of the sun and more milder temperatures, our attentions turn to the garden - and to the endless jobs you ...
If gardening isn't your forte, these pot plants that thrive on neglect are a must-have addition to your garden ...
Filling your recycling bin feels great, but did you know there are ways you can use your waste to benefit your garden and ...
Sage is a lovely herb, with distinct leathery leaves and a woody stature that resembles a miniature shrub. It's a mainstay of ...
Tired of watching your compost wash away each time you water your plants? This sustainable solution will cut waste and keep ...
Gardener Ish, who posts on TikTok as @gardening.with.ish, has shared a "brilliant" way to re-use everyday items in the garden ...
Most other small plastic food containers, such as single-serving yogurt cups, clamshell-type salad packages or egg cartons, ...
Gardeners are rediscovering an ancient technique that provides steady hydration to plants while conserving water: olla ...
You don't have to plant bedding plants in beds – these delightful varieties will bring a cascade of colour to pots and ...
Give your budding flowers and green shoots a helping hand this week, tackle unwelcome invaders and start coaxing your lawn ...
In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...