In this edition of Play Smart, editor Zephyr Melton explains how he's teaching himself the perfect ball position ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 14 covers when and how you may mark the spot of your ball at rest and lift and clean your ball and how to put it back into play so that your ball is played from the right place.
The Rules of Golf are tricky! Thankfully ... The problem: My buddy had also come up short, three feet ahead of my ball, directly in my putting line. I asked him to mark his ball.
The golf swing is a machine with a lot of moving parts. But for the purpose of this newsletter, think of it as a machine with ...
Let’s get into this. When you dropped closer to the hole, you violated Rule 14.7 (playing from the wrong place) and should be ...
Just your luck. You hit a blind second shot into a par-4 green and thought you striped it. Unfortunately, when you got over ...
Many golfers now go for club fittings but why do we gloss over the idea that a ball fitting can help us too. Mark Townsend ...