The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) is pleased that the first accused emanating from its No Room To Hide report has appeared in court on charges relating to his involvement with the Gupta family ...
In light of the recent publication of the investigative OUTA report and the subsequent remarks by the Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Blade Nzimande, eZaga Holdings (eZaga) firmly rejects any ...
Malou vesničkou Siřem otřásl odporný případ tři měsíce dlouhého týrání. Místní Karel N. (40) měl vloni v listopadu unést mladou ženu a po dlouhé tři měsíce ji věznit ve svém sklepě spoutanou řetězem.
Ultra runner Karel Sabbe racked up another astonishing feat this weekend as he set a new FKT on New Zealand's Te Araroa (TA) trail. The Belgian dentist announced on Instagram that he had run the 1,897 ...