Han arribat sentències i indemnitzacions per a la família del nen que va acabar en coma després d'ingerir formatge de llet ...
un nen amb un globus daurat gegant de Trump i una gegantina estàtua daurada del president estatunidenc. "Donald ve a alliberar-te. Prou túnels, prou por. Gaza, Trump per fi ha arribat", diu la música ...
Bushiroad has confirmed the full release date for Hunter x Hunter: Nen x Impact. It will release the new fighting game for PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC simultaneously worldwide on July ...
It's been a long road, but Hunter X Hunter: Nen X Impact is officially arriving on July 17, 2025. Hunter X Hunter: Nen X Impact was supposed to drop in 2024, but things didn't go as planned, so it got ...
One update, in particular, was a release date for the tag-team manga and anime fighter Hunter x Hunter: Nen x Impact. It will be launching for the Switch and multiple other platforms on 17th July ...
Priyanka Chopra's brother, Siddharth Chopra, got married on Friday. Recently, the actress shared a series of pictures from the wedding on Instagram to congratulate her brother Siddharth and his ...