All MetroRail trains have audio and visual announcements inside and outside the rail cars to indicate the next arrival. The ...
The METRO Chair and Mayor John Whitmire are calling to "reclaim" METRO from the homeless. Now, $10 million has been earmarked ...
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- METRO Houston is unveiling its latest plan to improve how we get around our communities. They're calling it METRONow. Board Chair Elizabeth Gonzalez Brock says it's meant ...
So yes, I would say that’s just a restatement or a rebranding." Brock said METRO will contribute $10 million toward Houston Mayor John Whitmire's $70 million plan for "ending homelessness in ...
HOUSTON — City leaders want to increase ridership on Houston's buses and light rail trains through an initiative to improve public transportation service. Mayor John Whitmire and METRO Board ...
Riders need a valid form of payment before boarding, such as the reloadable Metro Q Fare Card, or mobile tickets that can be ...