We must prioritize the mental health needs of men and boys for the same reasons we must recognize the significance of Black history.
Life expectancy for men lags five years behind life expectancy for women in the U.S. Some researchers and doctors say greater attention to men's health could bridge the gap.
Another big mental health problem for men concerns alcohol addiction and ... When it comes to male suicide, the 2022 statistics from The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention are sobering.
"I felt there wasn't enough being done regarding mental health and men, and it's something I've struggled with myself so I ...
The expression is used to describe a feeling of disgust or repulsion at a specific behaviour but therapists say it is no joke ...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it may seem everyone is exploring mental health therapy, but men are being left behind ... according to National Center for Health Statistics data.
Statistics Canada data released in 2022 ... "I've realized now that men's mental health is something that more light needs to be shined on, and that led me to start this group," he said.
Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur Mark Gogolewski’s new self-help book, released this week in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle formats on Amazon and Ba ...
The recent death of AI engineer Atul Subhash in Bengaluru has reignited discussions on the increasing suicide rate among men ...
Why Focus on Men’s Mental Health? The first question that Councilmember ... is revealed by the fact that despite these staggering statistics, very little specialized knowledge, training, or ...