California is spending more than it expected on Medi-Cal and Republican lawmakers are pointing to coverage expansions that ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is seeking a $3.4 billion loan from the general fund to help a shortfall in the state Medi-Cal ...
Higher-than-expected costs for low-income health insurance are opening a debate about the extension of Medi-Cal to ...
In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state Legislature are under pressure to scale back the expansion of ...
Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program, borrowed $3.4 billion from the state — and will likely need even more — due to ...
It was a surprise ceremony at the White House presided over by President Donald Trump to unveil a $100 billion investment ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration informed lawmakers about the $3.44 billion shortfall in the state’s Medicaid ...
Douglas Kiker, a contestant on “American Idol” Season 18 who memorably moved series judge Katy Perry to tears with his ...
"Gov. Gavin Newsom lied and cooked the books to gift all illegal immigrants free healthcare and now has stuck California ...
California is $3.44 billion short on its Medi-Cal funding in part due to expanding the program’s access to illegal immigrants ...
If the Medi-Cal funding dries up, the FQHCs will immediately be in trouble. California residents’ local community health ...
California Republican Rep. David Valadao grapples with the political fallout of supporting Trump's budget plan affecting ...